How To Travel To The South Pole – Why Visit Antarctia

Do you want to know how to travel to the south pole? How would you like to visit Antarctica? The South Pole is located at 90 degrees south latitude, and its average temperature is -58 degrees Celsius. This place has become a symbol of exploration and adventure.

Antarctica is the coldest continent on Earth. Its landmass covers almost 14 million square kilometers, or 4.5% of the total surface area of our planet. how to travel to the south pole

Antarctica is a vast frozen desert, where temperatures drop below -100 degrees Celsius during winter. It is home to a few of the oldest things on Earth. There are no roads, airports, or railways in Antarctica. Most people who want to go there have to fly to one of the nearby countries by boat or plane.

The first human beings to reach Antarctica were British explorers Sir James Clark Ross and Robert Falcon Scott.

In 1911, Ernest Shackleton led an expedition to the Antarctic. He wanted to be the first person to cross the continent from west to east. However, his ship was crushed by ice. Only two members of this group survived.

In 1957, Soviet scientists made their first landing on the Antarctic mainland. Since then, many expeditions have been organized to explore this mysterious continent.

Nowadays, more than 3,000 people live in Antarctica. They work for research institutions, such as the United States’ National Science Foundation, Russia’s Academy of Sciences, China’s Chinese Academy of Sciences, Japan’s Riken Institute, and France’s CNRS.

There are many interesting facts about Antarctica that will surprise you:

– The wind blows continuously all year round.

– During summer, the sun never sets.

– The only plants growing in Antarctica are mosses and lichens.

– The sea freezes completely over.

– The highest altitude on land is Mount Vinson, which reaches 5,068 meters above sea level.

– The lowest pressure on Earth can be found in the middle of the ocean. At the bottom of the Mariana Trench, the pressure is 10 times lower than at the surface of the Earth.

 Here’s how to travel to the south pole

The journey to the South Pole takes around three weeks. It begins by flying from New Zealand to Christchurch, where you’ll board a ship to cross the Southern Ocean. From here, you’ll fly to Ushuaia, Argentina, before continuing on foot to the Pole.

When you arrive at the South Pole, you’ll stay in a small hut called “the Ice Palace.” You’ll spend your days doing scientific experiments, taking pictures, and exploring the surrounding areas.

To get back to civilization, you’ll need to walk across the polar plateau. This part of the trip lasts between four and five months.

It’s important to remember that the weather in Antarctica can change quickly. When traveling to the South Pole, make sure to bring warm clothes, sturdy shoes, sunscreen, sunglasses, a hat, a compass, waterproof matches, a flashlight, and food.

Why Visit Antarctica?

The Antarctic Treaty System was established in 1959 to protect the continent from exploitation by nations. It prohibits military activity, mining, drilling, and construction. While it doesn’t prohibit scientific exploration, any activities must be conducted within strict guidelines.

Antarctica has some of the world’s most stunning landscapes. It also contains unique wildlife like penguins, seals, whales, albatrosses, and leopards. There are no people living there, so you won’t find any hotels or restaurants. Instead, you’ll eat freeze-dried meals and sleep in tiny huts.


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